Friday 7 June 2024

Our best projects

 Here I collect all our projects, so you can enjoy them:

Project          Author      Topic

Photomontage     me        This project consist on edit some photos to create a final landscape

Guinea flag              me        This project consist on do a flag with inkscape

       This project consist on exdplain the steps to calculate the acceleration

Gimp 5                      Marina     This project consist on edit a part of the image to see it in grey
Digital security         Marina     This project consist on give solutions to a very common problem related                                                      with technology
Stamp                       Marina     This project consist on create a stamp with inskscape
Ercilla museum        Santiago   This project consist on inserting photos on our school to make it seen like                                                    a  museum
Exercise 69              Santiago   This project consist on create a final image using forms and layers with                                                          gimp

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Our best projects

 Here I collect all our projects, so you can enjoy them: Project           Author      Topic ...