Friday 7 June 2024

Our best projects

 Here I collect all our projects, so you can enjoy them:

Project          Author      Topic

Photomontage     me        This project consist on edit some photos to create a final landscape

Guinea flag              me        This project consist on do a flag with inkscape

       This project consist on exdplain the steps to calculate the acceleration

Gimp 5                      Marina     This project consist on edit a part of the image to see it in grey
Digital security         Marina     This project consist on give solutions to a very common problem related                                                      with technology
Stamp                       Marina     This project consist on create a stamp with inskscape
Ercilla museum        Santiago   This project consist on inserting photos on our school to make it seen like                                                    a  museum
Exercise 69              Santiago   This project consist on create a final image using forms and layers with                                                          gimp

Wednesday 17 April 2024

static coefficient

Hello, today I had done a new project. This project consist on measure the aceleration of the angles, for that I had used the app phyphox.

Firstly, you need to download ti app on your mobile, then take a carbor platform and put the mobile on that platform. Later, you have to start the app when the platform is in the floor, and then you start to get up slowly the platform, when your mobile phone start falling you stop the app and expot the data to an excel.

In the excel you have to create a book with 15 tests from the previous experiment, create a data board with each experiment and then you create a grafic. In that grafic you have to take two measures, that measures are before the movile start moving.

The the last part is to put the final measures of the 15 experiments in a table, and to calculate th tangent, the radians, degrees, the error, the absolute error and the average.

Thursday 14 March 2024

Gimp 6

 This is my final project, that consist of: Firstly, I search a template like a roll of old cameras, I copy and paste it to fill most of the sapec. Then I choose the images of my partners and I scaled at the same measure as the fill. The I use the different options of colour and I have put each photo with different colors. Then I export it.

This is the final result:

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Gimp 5

 Hello, in today's post I'm going to explain you how to do a grey scale with coulored detail. 

Firtly, you have to choose a image with coulored zones. Then you open the image on Gimp. In the next step, you can use two tools, that are the scisors and the free selection tool. With one of those tools, you have to cut the border of the colorful area in the image, so you have to cut the border of the image you want to see the color in the final result. Then, you invert and with the right button of your mouse, go to color and then, click on saturation. In the saturation bar, you have to reduce the saturation at 0, so the image will be without saturation except the part you have selected, that will be with color. The last step, is to select the tool dropper, that extract the color of a image, so you can use it for write text or draw something. Then you write the name of your final project and select that colour, and also write your name.

This is my original image:

And this is the final result:

Our best projects

 Here I collect all our projects, so you can enjoy them: Project           Author      Topic ...